Beavis and Butthead Funny Pics Link

"Beavis and Butt-Head," the iconic, dim-witted teen duo from the 1990s, are back with a brand-new movie — and this time they've graduated, only in a manner of speaking, from doing "America" to taking on a much larger vista.

Better yet, in "Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe," they actually seem to get away with making fun of woke culture and — in one clip, "white privilege."

What are the details?

The new movie portrays Beavis and Butt-Head transported through time — and unfortunately that means present-day America, where every utterance is policed and every non-woke action is punished. Not exactly the best spot for these two.

But do they care? Not even a little bit.

Time magazine notes one scene in which the pair "wander into a modern-day gender studies class, and though the teacher at first praises them for using the word 'slut' in a sex-positive way, they cluelessly push their luck in the horndog department, attracting the ire of both instructor and students."

"This is a classic example of white privilege, and you both have it," the instructor informs the boys.

Of course, the 1990s were devoid of such woke terms, and Beavis and Butt-Head have no idea what it means. But don't worry, the insufferable left-wing students clue them in.

"So, white privilege is when white people, particularly men, automatically assume they can take whatever they want," one student informs the fellas.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @Perpetualmaniac

"And they never have to worry about getting stopped by the police," another student chimes in.

"And they have the inside track for any job —" a black female student attempts to say — before a very woke white male interrupts her, placing his hands in front of her face as he finishes her thought: "They have the inside track for any job they want."

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @Perpetualmaniac

The white instructor then cluelessly praises the white male after he steals the moment from the annoyed woman of color — a delightfully untoward look for woke culture.

With that, Beavis and Butt-Head are sold: "You've really opened up my eyes," Butt-Head confesses.

The instructor asks them, "Do you think you'll be acting differently from now on?"

Butt-Head replies, "Uh ... I guarantee it," while Beavis exclaims, "Yeah, me too, yeah, heh-heh."

Of course, what that means to the gender studies class and what that means to the fellas are two different things — and they proceed to carry out the worst kind of behavior the left ascribes to non-adherents (e.g., butting in line, stealing other students' food, ripping off merchandise from a bookstore).

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @Perpetualmaniac

"This is what we were taught, sir," Butt-Head tells a befuddled group.

"We're subverting existing paradigms," Beavis says in a surprising scholarly moment.

Finally the lads find themselves face to face with an unoccupied police car they realize is theirs for the taking — after all, "white privilege" affords them such amoral luxuries with no concern that cops will do anything to them.

Of course, that's not what happens after Butt-Head floors the cruiser backward into a pole:

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @Perpetualmaniac

Still they insist to the officers — who've drawn their guns on the perpetually amused kids — that they're allowed such privilege due to their skin color.

Image source: Twitter video screenshot via @Perpetualmaniac

Check it out:

Oh, and Stephanie Zacharek, the writer from Time, agrees that Beavis and Butt-Head are "still funny. It's we who have gotten less funny, both more cautious about laughing at things we shouldn't and more demanding that our humor come with a side order of redeeming intelligence. No wonder we're miserable."


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